Autoflowering Cannabis

For 2024, we plan on carrying many of Humboldt Seed Company’s autoflowering cannabis varieties as seed packs, but not as starts. They’re easy to start yourself from seed! We can’t ship these seeds, but you can buy them in person at the nursery. They are $100 (all tax included) for a 10-pack of seeds. 

Autoflowering cannabis is different from “regular” cannabis — now often referred to as “photoperiod” cannabis — because its growth cycle is not light dependent. Regular cannabis plants will grow in vegetative phase (leaf and stem growth) until the nights start getting longer in the late summer. That triggers the plants into flowering.

Autoflowers, in contrast, grow for a set amount of time and then automatically go into flower, typically about three months from seed to smoke. On the one hand, this means they will never be giant multi-pound producers like most full-term plants that have all summer to grow before flowering. But there are advantages for both commercial cultivators and personal use growers.

For personal or medical use growers, you can put the plant on your porch, water it and two and a half months later, have a nice modest-sized plant ready to harvest. There is no need to wait around till October, when many varieties of regular cannabis are finally ready. You also don’t have to worry about supplemental light like you do with clones (cuttings).

Give them a try!

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